A Rush of Blood to the Head

A Rush of Blood to the Head

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ecouter Don't Panic Don't Panic
ecouter Shiver Shiver
ecouter Sparks Sparks
ecouter Yellow Yellow
ecouter Trouble Trouble
ecouter Parachutes Parachutes
ecouter We Never Change We Never Change
ecouter Politik Politik
ecouter In My Place In My Place
ecouter God Put a Smile Upon Your Face God Put a Smile Upon Your Face
ecouter The Scientist The Scientist
ecouter Clocks Clocks
ecouter Daylight Daylight
ecouter Green Eyes Green Eyes
  Warning Signs
ecouter A Whisper A Whisper
ecouter A Rush of Blood to the Head A Rush of Blood to the Head
ecouter Amsterdam Amsterdam
ecouter Warning Sign Warning Sign
