Tales of the Forgotten Melodies

Tales of the Forgotten Melodies

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ecouter Behind the Curtain Behind the Curtain
ecouter Que será Que será
ecouter Ungodly Fruit Ungodly Fruit
ecouter Between Fellows Between Fellows
ecouter Hypnosis Theme Hypnosis Theme
ecouter Damn That Music Made My Day Damn That Music Made My Day
ecouter Where My Heart's At Where My Heart's At
ecouter Birth of a Struggle Birth of a Struggle
ecouter Am I Free Am I Free
ecouter Ringing Score Ringing Score
ecouter I Don't Know I Don't Know
ecouter Our Dance Our Dance
ecouter Stay Tuned Stay Tuned
ecouter Walk the Line Walk the Line
ecouter A Woman's Voice A Woman's Voice
ecouter Don't You Remember Don't You Remember
ecouter How I Feel How I Feel
ecouter Behind the Disguise (Closing) Behind the Disguise (Closing)
